How I Spent My Coronavirus Vacation

20,000,000 years ago (give or take a few millennia) a large rock hurtled through space, barely missing Cancun (there is a God 😊), and smacked into the Gulf of Mexico. Since that time, thousands of really bad things have occurred on good ol’ Planet Earth. All I can say is here we go again, and yes, this too shall pass.

As of March 5, the day my wife and I left for a bucket list trip to Israel and Jordan, this newsletter was going to be about our praise for the recently released ITRC Guidance Document: Optimizing Injection Strategies and In Situ Remediation Performance. The point was going to be that the RPI Group Approach has at times been incorrectly resisted by environmental practitioners because of a perception of increased cost to their clients. I’ll save all of that for another day when we don’t have more serious things to talk about.

Back to the vacation, after a day in New York City visiting the 9/11 Memorial (which closed the next day), we joined our forty-strong church group for the initial flight to Amman, Jordan. Most of what transpired after that was chronicled by a local Denver TV station CBS 4 Denver News. What wasn’t mentioned in the news story was our “short” flight from Ammon to Tel Aviv. Most of us kept quiet about this flight experience because we didn’t want to increase the growing concern for our safety by friends and relatives. As we took off in a 70’s vintage passenger jet (bigger seats), the cabin filled with smoke. That’s not a good thing and something that I had never experienced in maybe a million miles of safe air travel. Ten minutes out, it was clear that (to our relief) we were turning back. After a smooth emergency landing, we were greeted by what seemed to be every piece of fire equipment available at the Amman Airport. Four hours later, a better airplane was sourced and we arrived safely in Tel Aviv. By bus, we arrived at our hotel in Tiberias, Israel (on the Sea of Galilee) at 2:30 AM. Needless to say, day 1+ of our pilgrimage was a doozy!

Our disappointment with the West Bank, Bethlehem and Petra closing down before we could get there was more than compensated by touring the Dead Sea sites, Capernaum, and Jerusalem pretty much by ourselves (here’s a few pics). What we experienced and how we experienced it may never happen again. We were blessed and more than a little bit lucky.


As we continue to adjust and settle into the new norm, we’d like to invite you to join us in our webinar series. Starting Tuesday, April 7th at 11:30 AM Eastern Time, we’ll begin a weekly series where we discuss some of our products and implementation. Click the links below to register.

April 7 – 11:30 am ET
18 Years of Activated Carbon In-Situ: Exposing The Truth About Trap & Treat and Rollover

Recent interest in “Carbon-Based Injectates” has spawned many opinions on applications and limitations from a spectrum of sources including EPA and various regulators and consultants. RPI Group has been injecting products based on activated carbon for over eighteen years and we’ve learned a lot.

April 14 – 11:30 am ET
DIET Strategy + Activated Carbon = Geobacter Smorgasbord at CVOC Sites

Recent commentary on the use of activated carbon for in-situ remediation included, “GAC creates a biologically hostile environment”, and “Biodegradation of contaminants adsorbed to activated carbon does not occur”. Brazen falsehoods refuted by countless peer reviewed studies and environmental data. D.I.E.T is the key. Tune in to learn more.

April 21 – 11:30 & 2:30 pm ET
Accelerated CVOC Remediation Using BOS 100/CAT 100 and The Secret to DNAPL Treatment

April 28 – 11:30 & 2:30 pm ET
Expedited Petroleum Hydrocarbon Remediation Using BOS 200 and Getting Rid of LNAPL

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