Having the Right Equipment Really Matters

About a month ago, I went fishing with some of my RPI Group pals, chasing swordfish. We were introduced to equipment and technology that, at one time, was amazing and effective. Full disclosure—we all felt bad about taking out such a magnificent creature.

One of the things that fascinated me was the electric reels, pictured above, and all of the technology that the boat captain had at his disposal to catch certain types of fish. Since my mind is never too far away from the business that Scott Noland and I created some 19 years ago, a comparison of our amazement with fishing technology and the evolution of our own injection techniques was unavoidable. The technology and human expertise that goes into the surgical placement of Trap & Treat® BOS 100®BOS 200®, and CAT 100 products these days has evolved into what we actually envisioned, but never thought possible.

The injection piece of in situ remediation is not glamorous, but it is one of the most critical components of successful in situ remediation. I’m encouraging those of you that care about “doing things right” to enroll in the following course now for early bird pricing. You’ll be glad that you did.

Injections Short Course – Battelle, May 31-June 4

Kind Regards,

Bob Elliott
Remediation Products, Inc.

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