The subject facility is an active pipeline and petroleum storage site in the Gulf Coast Region where a leaking aboveground storage tank (AST) created a large dissolved and LNAPL plume. BOS 200+®, a modified version of BOS 200®, was applied over a large area during a 6-month period in 2017. Results to date indicate that LNAPL levels have been eliminated or significantly reduced. In addition, benzene and TPH levels have decreased an average of 96.3% and 97%, respectively. A No Further Action determination has been requested and is pending.
Key Dates
Treatment Area: 93,000 ft2
Lithology: Varied across the large area but consisted mainly of silty clay to clay over weathered shale with some sand and gravel.
Depth to Water: 5 to 25 ft bgs (variable)
Contaminants: LNAPL and TPH
Implementation Method: Direct push and Pre-Drill injection
The subject facility is an active pipeline and petroleum storage site in the Gulf Coast Region where a leaking aboveground storage tank (AST) created a large dissolved and LNAPL plume. BOS 200+®, a modified version of BOS 200®, was applied over a large area during a 6-month period in 2017. Results to date indicate that LNAPL levels have been eliminated or significantly reduced. In addition, benzene and TPH levels have decreased an average of 96.3% and 97%, respectively. A No Further Action determination has been requested and is pending.