The Inconvenient Truth About In Situ Injections of Carbon-based Products As this newsletter goes out on the Web, I am participating in the Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds in Palm Springs, California. Yesterday, when I walked around the massive exhibit hall, I was utterly amazed...

By now you’ve heard of Trap & Treat® BOS 200® and its uncanny ability to remediate LNAPL. If you’ve ever scratched your head and thought “bioremediation just can’t take place in an LNAPL environment, especially when it’s mixed with a product like BOS 200®” you’re...

CGRS Environmental Services and RPI Group Approved Installer, Vista Geoscience, were a bit surprised at what happened recently at a Denver hydrocarbon site they were remediating with Trap & Treat® BOS 200® injections. In late 2011, PCE contamination was also discovered (most likely coming from...