Your DIET (Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer) Strategy for the New Year

Not so long ago, all calories were considered equal. One hundred calories of potato chips, apple slices, or steak were thought to have the same effect on weight gain. We now know that simple carbohydrates and sugars uniquely promote weight gain. The game is not just about calories but also how calories are metabolized. Like all creatures on earth, we’re tuned to metabolize food as if starvation is just around the corner.

Microbes are the ultimate survivors in our feast-and-famine world. Initially, it was thought that bacteria only transferred electrons using chemical intermediates like formate or hydrogen. We know now that some electron-producing bacteria directly transfer electrons to electron-consuming bacteria bypassing the building of chemical intermediates and the associated metabolic effort. This process is known as Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer (DIET). The electron transfer rate with DIET can be nine times higher than processes using chemical intermediates. DIET is a more efficient metabolic strategy.

Powdered and granular activated carbons used in RPI products increase the number of DIET bacteria. The activated carbon is a conductor that facilitates electron transfer and prevents contaminant degradation stalling. An activated carbon/DIET combination increases the bacteria count, species richness, and population stability. It also increases degradation rates and ameliorates methane accumulation.

Metabolism counts and RPI products are metabolic support for contaminant-degrading microbes. In the New Year, resolve to have a healthy DIET strategy– BOS 200®BOS 200+®, and CAT 100.


Kind Regards,

Ed Winner, PhD, Vice President
Remediation Products, Inc.

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