RPI Group Conquers Bedrock & TCE at New Jersey Site

For decades, about all environmental professionals could do about contaminated groundwater residing in bedrock formations was to monitor periodically and form a pep club for Mother Nature.  Times are changing and they are changing quickly.

Almost 30 years ago, a TCE discharge was discovered in the groundwater at a property in New Jersey.  In 2011, a former catch basin and soil was removed from the site and a Remedial Investigation Report (RIR) was completed in 2016.  In 2018, RPI Group’s AST Environmental was selected to provide in situ injections of BOS 100® at the site.

Since the contaminated zone was primarily located in bedrock, AST/RPI Group’s full arsenal of tools, processes and products were needed:  Direct Push, Air Rotary (provided by others),  AST/RPI Group Pre-Drill Process, AST/RPI Group Custom Discrete Sampling Packer (18 inch interval), AST/RPI Group Custom Bedrock Injection System, and, of course, BOS 100.

Baseline concentrations of TCE at the site had been persistent at a maximum of 73 ppb in groundwater.  All of the monitoring wells within the treatment footprint achieved the project objective of 1 ppb for TCE and 1,1-DCE in less than 6 months, post-injection.  After five rounds of quarterly sampling, the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) applied for removal of the groundwater Classification Area (CEA) and Well Restriction Area (WRA) documents associated with the site.

If you would like to drill down (pun intended) on the details of this effort, please click on this Project Summary.  Every day of every week of every year, the RPI Group Approach is changing how remediation is being done across the World.

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