RPI® Group Launches The Carbon Chronicles®

As RPI® Group enters its 20th year, it is time for a bit of reflection. We are very grateful to the property owners, environmental consultants, and regulatory professionals who embraced something “new” early and eventually often. The remarkable growth of the market segment that Remediation Products, Inc. created in 2002 is humbling. As other companies scramble to “get in the game”, it has become very clear that we have a responsibility to redouble our efforts to educate the marketplace about the properties of “wet” activated carbon (it is so much more than adsorption). Today we are launching The Carbon Chronicles®, a periodic tutorial for “all things activated carbon”.

Recently, Scott Noland (inventor of our Trap & Treat® products) and Ed Winner (Vice President of RPI® and former state regulator) compared notes regarding the evolution of our AC-based products and their eventual regulatory acceptance. Click here to see the video.

As you peruse volume 1, article 1 of The Carbon Chronicles®, you will quickly begin to understand the length and breadth of RPI’s research into the use of in situ activated carbon with complementary treatment mechanisms.  As ingenious as our Trap & Treat® products are, remedial success still depends on the right people employing the correct procedures. Some time ago, my thoughts regarding The RPI® Group Approach were recorded.  Nothing’s changed.

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