Almost Nobody is Streaming Silent Movies During the Lockdown – Want One?

Almost Nobody is Streaming Silent Movies
During the Lockdown – Want One?

We know, we know, you’re craving a silent movie during the pandemic. You are in luck! We find ourselves all dressed up with no place to go and have in our possession our newest video that was going to make its debut at Battelle. Sit back, relax, grab a beverage, and settle in for our latest cinematic release.

We have enjoyed connecting with so many of you during our April Webinar series put on by the RPI Group. The questions and engagement have been great. Here is a list of the webinar series. If you missed one, let us know and we will send over the recording.


April 7 – 18 Years of Activated Carbon In Situ: Exposing The Truth About Trap & Treat and Rollover
April 14 – DIET Strategy + Activated Carbon = Geobacter Smorgasbord at CVOC Sites
April 21 – Accelerated CVOC Remediation Using BOS 100/CAT 100 and The Secret to DNAPL Treatment
April 28 – Expedited Petroleum Hydrocarbon Remediation Using BOS 200 and Getting Rid of LNAPL

And our favorite question we received this month was “Any thoughts on the application of in situ carbon for PFOS/PFAS remediation?” from Dan Erdman of Keystone E-Sciences Group, Inc.

Scott Noland, President of RPI, had this to say about that question: There is sound science behind “Trap & Treat®”. The cornerstone of RPI’s technology mandates the incorporation of an effective treatment mechanism combined with activated carbon. No in situ treatment mechanism is known for PFOS/PFAS compounds, and although these compounds are easily trapped, they are also easily kicked off activated carbon. If your goal is to create a NEW SOURCE on your client’s property, then inject activated carbon. RPI has not and will not sell any of its products for this use.

We look forward to connecting with all of you when we are able until then stay safe.

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